TFA reviews statements by legislators regarding who is blocking efforts to vote on Real Constitutional Carry

Richard Archie, one of TFA’s directors, discusses comments by state House and Senate members regarding the Governor’s incremental step on permitless carry that falls short of REAL constitutional carry. While playing their own statements, he examines why it is that these legislators are candid about the fact that the Governor’s bill is not everything that the legislators want but for some reason it seems to be all that they think that they can achieve this year, or perhaps even this decade.

TFA has a simple proposal – a proposal which pulls back the curtain and allows all elected legislators to uphold their oaths by voting on amendments to the governor’s bill that would ‘kick it further down the field’ to get it much closer to real constitutional carry. It is that simple – put the issues on the floor for debate and a full vote. Let them fulfill their campaign promises in the daylight of a streamed debate for all Tennesseans to watch or let them reveal that there truly is a “he who shall not be named” just as that phrase is used in the Harry Potter series.

Enjoy today’s TFA Podcast – it might reveal something things you were not ready to hear.

After listening to the Podcast, get busying contacting your House and Senate members. Demand that amendments be offered on the floor to improvement substantially the Governor’s bill by eliminating the unconstitutional restrictions that it incorporates on your right to keep and bear arms.

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