TFA’s 2024 State Legislature Candidate Survey

TFA’s 2024 survey of candidates for the State Legislature is below. We often get the question of whether TFA endorses candidates and if so who. As an IRS recognized 501c4, the Tennessee Firearms Association is not allowed to and does not support or endorse a candidate for elected office.

TFA does not “score” candidates although it does regularly report on what those candidates who are incumbents have done or failed to do while holding their office during the preceding legislative term(s). TFA instead provides a blank copy of its survey form which has 24 yes/no questions and a freeform comment field. The survey responses are recorded on an Excel grid that shows the affirmative answers and the candidate’s comment, if any, to question 25. This allows individual voters to see and assess the candidates.

Note that many of the incumbent legislators, some of who do not have strong 2nd Amendment track records, and many challengers chose not to answer the TFA survey. As stated on the survey, any non-response will be presumed to be a negative response as to all survey questions.

There is a state political action committee that is the Tennessee Firearms Association Legislative Action Committee which does make campaign contributions to candidates. It also has a history of making independent expenditures in some races to either support or oppose a candidate. Please check that resource for additional information.

[Note: In Tennessee, senators serve for 4 year terms. So, in this election year only those senator districts in even numbered districts are on the ballot.]

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