Tennessee Pending Legislation Report – February 21, 2025

Tennessee’s Legislators have been busy filing bills that relate to the Second Amendment. So far, TFA has identified 70 bills that it has marked for tracking (see PDF below).

Predictably, some of these bills will have TFA’s support if they remain as presently written. The number of the supported bills is 8 including one that is an effort (House Joint Resolution 53) to again amend the state’s constitution to bring it into compliance with the Second Amendment and Supreme Court decisions that have defined some boundaries on the authority of states to infringe those rights. Of course, that same issue was pending last year and was approved by the Senate but it was killed by certain individuals in the House Republican caucus. HJR53 is scheduled to be heard in the House Civil Justice Subcommittee on February 26 – let’s see if they kill it again!

The majority of the bills that have been filed are either flagged for opposition, typically because they violate the Second Amendment, or they are flagged as possible caption bills which means that we don’t know the true intent of the sponsors.

The list of pending bills and a report of those which are scheduled to be heard the week of February 24, 2025, are included below.

Please take a look at these bills and let us know of any others that you think TFA should be tracking.

Also, get busty now and start contacting your legislators. Let them know that you are insisting that they pass truly pro-Second Amendment laws such as:

  • A constitutional amendment to make Tennessee’s constitution consistent with the Second Amendment
  • Enact Real Constitutional Carry
  • Eliminate the ban on carrying longarms
  • Eliminate Gun Free Zones
  • Make the violation of Second Amendment rights a civil rights violation under state law
  • Change the law to allow citizens to effectively defend their home and property from criminals
  • Stop anything that looks like a Red Flag law

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