Author Archives: JohnHarris

Tennessee Bill Status Report March 21, 2025 and Calendar for Week of March 24, 2025

The Tennessee Legislature continues to demonstrate that is does not plan to enact REAL Constitutional Carry in 2025 or to make other changes to repeal existing laws that violate the Second Amendment. The Legislative Leadership – Lt. Gov. Randy McNally, House Speaker Cameron Sexton, Senator Jack Johnson and Representative William Lamberth – have given no indication to TFA this week that that will change or even that they plan to keep their oaths to protect your rights under the Constitution.

However, there are a few legislators in both the House and the Senate who are trying to restore your rights by changing or repealing the unconstitutional laws in Tennessee. These efforts that were demonstrated this week or that are expected to be heard next week are included in the reports below. Reports on the bills that have had activity the week of March 17 and those which are scheduled to be heard the week of March 24 are attached. These legislators and their efforts need your support because in general it does not appear that they have the support or encouragement of the Republican Legislative Leadership and certainly not the support of Lame Duck Lee.

It is important for each member and supporter of Tennessee Firearms Association to contact their legislators to let their voices be heard. To aid in that process, Tennessee Firearms Association is providing a letter writing advocacy tool for your use. Please take the time to contact your legislators and, when indicated, committee members on legislation in which you are interested.

If you are aware of other proposed bills related to the Second Amendment for which you would like to help write a campaign, please reach out to TFA.

Tennessee Bill Status Report – March 14, 2025, and Calendar for Week of March 17, 2025

The Tennessee Legislature appears posed to stonewall or block substantially all pro-Second Amendment bills that have been filed in 2025. Of course, this is not surprising when you have legislators like Speaker Cameron Sexton, Rep. Andrew Farmer and Sen. Jack Johnson latching onto ideas contained in Democrat bills and amending those ideas into their own…

TFA joins amicus brief in Supreme Court in support of Missouri’s Second Amendment Preservation Act

On February 26, 2025, Tennessee Firearms Association and Tennessee Firearms Foundation joined Gun Owners of America and 13 other organizations to submit an amicus brief in support of the State of Missouri’s application for permission to appeal to the United States Supreme Court. On February 26, 2025, Tennessee Firearms Association and Tennessee Firearms Foundation joined…

Tennessee Bill Status Report – March 7, 2025, and Calendar for Week of March 10, 2025

The Tennessee Legislature is moving forward with bills that are being monitored by TFA. However, almost none of the pro-2nd Amendment bills are being taken up in either house.   As previously, Rep. Lowell Russell recently moved all firearms bills that are in the House Civil Justice Subcommittee to March 26, 2025. On March 4, 2025,…

Tennessee Firearms Foundation – John Rich Hosted Event – April 24, 2025

The Tennessee Firearms Foundation, Inc. exists to help inform people regarding the truth concerning the state of Tennessee’s “unconstitutional” gun laws and to bring public interest lawsuits in local, state and federal cases to challenge those laws. You can help that mission succeed! The Tennessee Firearms Foundation, Inc. exists to help inform people regarding the…

Why did Rep. Lowell Russell intentionally defer consideration of Second Amendment legislation?

Lowell Russell is the chair of the House Civil Justice Subcommittee.  He serves on a number of House committees all as a result of being appointed to those positions by Speaker Cameron Sexton. On Wednesday, February 26, 2025, Rep. Russell was chairing the House Civil Justice Subcommittee.  At that time, Rep. Jay Reedy had placed…

Amend Tennessee’s Constitution to comply with the Second Amendment

Tennessee has a constitutional problem. The problem is that Tennessee’s Constitution, Article I, Section 26, which was last amended just after the Civil War, purports to grant to the Legislature the authority to regulate the wearing of arms. The problem is that this provision clearly violates the Second Amendment! Further, Tennessee’s Republican legislators and the…

Protect Responsible Gun Owners from Harsh Penalties under Tennessee’s “Posted Properties” statute

Tennessee has had a problem for many years as a result of an overly aggressive statute that makes it a criminal offense to even walk on property (public or private) that is posted. This statute is much harsher than the typical “trespass” statute which requires that the property owner or manager ask the individual to…