Author Archives: JohnHarris

TFA member benefits – discounts on protection plans

Many gun owners are aware that the average homeowners insurance policy is not going to provide financial protection for them in the event that they use a weapon in a self-defense situation or if there are other claims that might arise related to their 2nd Amendment protected rights. There are several organizations that provide gun…

TFA joins as amicus party in 9th Circuit case involving magazine limits in California

Tennessee Firearms Association supports an amicus brief filed with the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals in Duncan v. Bonta, No: 19-55376, a matter involving California’s magazine capacity law. In this appellate mater, one of the real issues underlying the case is whether a court-made “two step analysis” that has been used by lower courts since…

Tennessee Attorney General Opinion # 21-05 – discussing the Tennessee Constitution relative to militias

The Tennessee Attorney General has issued on May 6, 2021, a rare opinion that addresses the issue of what is the militia in Tennessee, as that term is used in the State Constitution, and various questions concerning its existence, scope of powers and function. Although the full opinion addresses a number of different questions, the…

Tennessee Legislature adjourns for 2021 – preliminary report

The Tennessee Legislature adjourned on May 5, 2021. Was it a major victory for Tennesseans in terms of 2nd Amendment legislation? No. Was any progress made – absolutely. The purpose of this initial report is to identify the bills that have passed both the House and the Senate as of May 5. These bills are…

Legislative Status Report and Calendar April 30, 2021

This week the Tennessee Legislature passed its annual budget for the state. That signals for practical purposes that the Legislature is in “wind down” mode and handling a limited number of matters. The activity for this week and the calendar for next week reflect this status. Events to note during the week ending April 30…

Tennessee passes significant improvement to civil immunity for those resorting to self-defense

Over the last few years, Tennessee Firearms Association has worked with a number of state legislators to improve existing laws regarding civil immunity for those who resort to justifiable self-defense. Under existing law, a person who found themselves in a situation where they found it necessary to use deadly force in self-defense could be at…

State of Tennessee sued on claims that new permitless carry law violates United States Constitution

Tennessee Firearms Association raised a number of concerns prior to the passage of the Governor’s permitless carry legislation (HB786/SB765) including the concern that provisions of the legislation needlessly created a violation of the 2nd and 14th Amendments to the United States Constitution because it denied some 18-20 year old citizens from being able to exercise…

Legislative Status Report and Calendar April 23, 2021

There were three bills that TFA views as significant which had activity this week. SB1148/HB25 is legislation that would materially improve Tennessee’s civil immunity statute for those individuals who use deadly force in justifiable self-defense. It would merely prohibiting the filing and prosecution of a civil case until the criminal investigation and/or trial is over.…