Author Archives: JohnHarris

Legislative Status Report and Calendar – April 9, 2021

The Tennessee Legislature is moving toward the point where it wraps up its activities for the 2021 part of the two year session. As that day approaches, opportunities are ending to enact laws in 2021 which would restore your rights, which would remove infringements on your rights and which would require the state’s administrative branch…

Bill Lee’s hallmark 2nd Amendment legislation – what does it do?

First, let us define the term “constitutional carry”. Constitutional carry means the full and free exercise of the right that is recognized and protected by the Second Amendment. It means that anyone who can legally possess a firearm can carry it. One of Bill Lee’s initial statements as a candidate was that he did not…

Legislative status and calendar reports for April 5, 2021

The Legislature continues to rapidly address pending bills and to take up amendments which normally have not been posted on the state’s website in advance of the hearings which makes it very difficult to keep track of the actual language of the bills that are being considered since proposed bill amendments that are being offered…

Tennessee House passes Governor’s crime package including permitless carry exception but rejects pro Second Amendment efforts to improve bill

On March 29, 2021, the Tennessee House took up House Bill 786 which is the Governor’s crime package.  The bill includes a permitless carry exception for some individuals.  It also imposed new conditions on your rights which are not part of existing law.  The bill passed the House largely on party lines.  It had previously…

House members expected to file 2nd Amendment friendly amendments to improve Governor’s permitless carry bill

The Governor’s crime bill, which includes a provision on permitless carry for some but not all who can legally possess firearms, is set to be heard on Monday night, March 29. A Democrat House member has already filed several proposed amendments to the bill – all of which should be voted down. Several House members…

Permitless carry bill set for House Floor on March 29

The Governor’s bill, HB786/SB765, has already passed in the Senate and is now set to be heard on the House Floor on Monday, March 29.  The two other bills, both of which are better than this one, appear to have been “snuffed out” in the Senate and are likely being placed “behind the budget” (in…