Author Archives: JohnHarris

TFA renews call for House Members to remove Glen Casada as Speaker and now to consider expulsion

Tennessee Firearms Association is calling for members of the Tennessee House of Representatives to vote to remove Glen Casada as Speaker of the Tennessee House based on continued developments of official misconduct arising out of investigations surrounding the attempted coverup, intentionally false statements to reporters, and misuse of taxpayer funds all of which arose out…

Tennessee Firearms Association joins as “amicus” in 2nd Amendment case to be heard by US Supreme Court

The Tennessee Firearms Association joined in an amicus brief filed with the United States Supreme Court on May 14, 2019, arguing that New York’s and other laws which regulate transportation of firearms violate the prohibitions imposed by the 2nd Amendment. The case is already before the United States Supreme Court under the style of New…

Tennessee Firearms Association calls for House Members to remove Speaker Casada

Tennessee Firearms Association is calling for members of the Tennessee House of Representatives to vote to remove Glen Casada as Speaker of the Tennessee House based on investigations surrounding the lewd text messaging, the attempted coverup, intentionally false statements to reporters, and related concerns. John Harris, Executive Director of the Tennessee Firearms Association, states “The…

Legislature adjourns after passage of bad legislation and refusal to consider constitutional carry.

The Tennessee Legislature adjourned from the first half of its two year session on May 2, 2019. Did the Republican super majority of “2nd Amendment supporting” legislators do great things to remove the infringements on the 2nd Amendment in Tennessee this year? No. To the contrary, it demonstrated an absolute unwillingness to even put the…

The “recall motion” and its critical role in Tennessee

What is a “recall motion” and why is it critical to a constitutional republic? Why is it critical in Tennessee? Over the last week there has been a lot of talk in the Tennessee Legislature about a “recall motion” or a “Rule 63″ motion. That motion is one of the few motions addressed in the…

Bill to allow school employees to carry firearms to be heard April 10 in House and Senate

Same Old Shenanigans – a caption bill that changes its purpose entirely! These should be prohibited House Bill 1380 Senate Bill 1399 was filed with the following description: AN ACT to amend Tennessee Code Annotated, Title 39 and Title 49, relative to schools. Education – As introduced, requires that the commissioner of education’s annual report…

Legislative Report as of April 5, 2019 and Calendar for week of April 8

Old habits and shenanigans die hard. Conservatives were promised for years prior to 2010 that if we helped the Republicans seize legislative control from the Democrats that they would remove the infringements on our rights as recognized and protected by the Second Amendment. It is now 2019. Have the promises been honored? Conservatives and firearms…