Author Archives: JohnHarris

TFA initial review of 2022 Tennessee legislation

Tennessee Firearms Association has initially marked 45 bills which have been filed in the Tennessee Legislature since it adjourned in 2021 that fall within the scope of issues that TFA monitors. Some of the bills are consistent with the 2nd Amendment’s mandate that the individual right to arms “shall not be infringed”, some are neutral…

New Attorney General Opinion on Carrying Handguns in Buildings in which Judicial Proceedings Occur

On January 24, 2022, the Tennessee Attorney General released Opinion 22-01 in which several questions from Rep. Terri Lynn Weaver were addressed.  Although you should read the full opinion to get a grasp of the outrageous scheme bodied in the current statute, these are the summary points made by the Attorney General in responding to…

Legislative Update – January 28, 2022 new bills filed

A number of new bills have been filed this week. The ones we have identified so far for tracking are attached in the PDF that is available below. This is a quick summary of some but not all of the bills in the report. Also, we believe some of the bills may be “caption bills”…

Joint GOA and TFA Lobby Day on the Hill scheduled for March 16, 2022

Join GOA-TN and Tennessee Firearms Association in Nashville! There is no better way to let our elected representatives know how to best represent us than showing up and having conversations. Plan to attend the 2022 Gun Owners Lobby Day to hear from representatives across the state and meet personally with your representatives! We’ll keep you…

TFA is releasing interviews with State Legislative members regarding the status of the 2nd Amendment in Tennessee and the 2022 Legislative session.

Beginning in December 2021, TFA has started releasing interviews of members of the Tennessee Legislature on the status of the 2nd Amendment in Tennessee.  As of January 3, 2022, interviews with Rep. Clay Doggett, Rep. Chris Todd and Rep. Jay Reedy have been produced and are released on the TFA’s podcast page.  TFA views this…

Does Tennessee recognize the right that is protected by the 2nd Amendment?

Recently, TFA’s volunteer executive director, John Harris, was speaking with a group concerning Tennessee’s gun laws.  At this particular meeting, the issue that he spoke on the difference between a constitutionally protected right and a state regulated privilege. The example he used to illustrate the contrast between constitutionally protected rights and state regulation of privileges…

TFALAC’s Guest Speaker – Douglas Englen – comments on President Joe Biden’s incompetence

TFALAC held its 2021 annual event on Saturday, September 4, 2021, at the Farm Bureau Expo Center in Lebanon, Tennessee. TFALAC is a state political action committee that raises funds to help support and elect constitutional conservatives in Tennessee and in particular those who express a clear understanding of why the 2nd Amendment exists. The…

Rep. Clay Doggett and other Legislators issue written request to Governor Bill Lee to protect Second Amendment rights of Tennesseans

Rep. Clay Doggett has been joined by thirty-seven (37) other members of the State House of Representatives and five (5) State Senators in a letter issued by Rep. Doggett’s office calling on Governor Bill Lee and also Attorney General Herbert Slatery requesting that these public officials defend and protect the constitutionally recognized and protected rights…

TFA joins GOA in amicus brief in Aposhian case at United States Supreme Court in effort to defeat bumpstock ban.

On Friday, September 3, 2021, Tennessee Firearms Association joined Gun Owners of America and other conservative 2nd Amendment advocacy groups in submitting an amicus brief to the United States Supreme Court in the case of W. Clark Aposhian v, Merrick Garland, Attorney General, et al. (No. 21-159). This case was initially filed in Utah as…