Author Archives: JohnHarris

Tennessee’s alternative “concealed only” permit and why you should not pick it

Tennessee legislators created a second type of civilian handgun permit in 2019 that went into effect on January 1, 2020. It is a “concealed only” permit. Tennessee Firearms Association opposed the legislation and strongly recommends against citizens considering this concealed only option. Here is why. Tennessee first passed a handgun permit law in May of…

Tennessee Attorney General Opinion released on “antique firearms”

The Tennessee Attorney General issued an opinion (AG 19-19) on October 9, 2019, in which the AG concluded that “…the prohibitions in Tenn. Code Ann. § 39-17-1307 on the possession of firearms by individuals convicted of felonies and certain misdemeanors still apply to the possession of antique firearms…” no longer apply after the passage of…

September 11 – a call to protect liberty over perceived safety

The Tennessee Firearms Association came into existence just a few years prior to the terrorists attacks of September 11, 2001.  Since then, we have seen massive changes in our government and many of those have needlessly come at the expense of our personal freedoms and liberties. We have seen material erosions of our freedoms in…

TFA joins as amicus in brief with United States Supreme Court regarding the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act

TFA joins as amicus in brief with United States Supreme Court regarding the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act

On September 4, 2019, the Tennessee Firearms Association joined forces with Gun Owners of America, Inc., Gun Owners Foundation, The Heller Foundation, Conservative Legal Defense and Education Fund, California Constitutional Rights Foundation, Policy Analysis Center and Restoring Liberty Action Committee by filing an amicus brief in a case by Remington Arms Co. and others against…

WalMart “partners” with Everytown for Gun Safety and Michael Bloomberg to advance gun ban agenda

Tennessee Firearms Association wants to make sure all gun owners and all 600,000+ handgun permit holders in Tennessee are aware of Walmart’s increasing anti-gun stance on your capacity to exercise the right to keep and bear arms which is protected by the United States Constitution. Even worse – if that is possible – all gun…

Attorney General Opinion on carrying handguns in “buildings” where judicial proceedings might occur

Tennessee has long had a law (Tenn. Code Ann. 39-17-1306) which until 2017 prohibited weapons in “while inside any room in which judicial proceedings are in progress”. Frankly, most people understood that ordinary citizens could not take a gun into a courtroom if the court was in session. As a result of an amendment offered…

TFA 2019 Legislative Report

Tennessee Firearms Association’s primary goals for the last few years have been constitutional carry, permitless open carry (a subset of constitutional carry), strengthening civil immunity, and the reduction of the number of gun free zones. There are also other legislative objectives intended to make Tennessee law better. TFA tracked 67 bills this year. The Legislature…