Author Archives: JohnHarris

New TN Attorney General Opinion on Felons and Black Powder weapons

The Tennessee Attorney General released an opinion (AG 15-75) on November 9, 2015, which addresses the massive confusion under Tennessee law of whether and to what extent a convicted felon can own, possess and use black powder weapons.  This opinion is in addition to at least 3 other opinions previously issued by the Tennessee Attorney…

TN Attorney General says that handgun permit holders may commit crime by carrying handguns in church if church also provides school functions

Tennessee Attorney General concludes that handgun permit holders could be charged with felony for carrying an otherwise legally possessed handgun at their own church property if the church is being used for any school purposes. Applicability of Tenn. Code Ann. § 39-17-1309 to Religious Institutions and Home Schooling Question 1 If a church or other…

TFALAC Annual Event September 19 – Ticket Sales Ending!

TFALAC 2015 Annual Dinner – September 19, 2015 TICKET SALES ENDING SOON! The TFALAC’s Annual Dinner, celebrating 2 Decades of hard work and success by TFA members across the state will be held on: Saturday, September 19, 2015 – 10am to 3pm Tickets are $50 per person. Tables of 8 are $350 per table. CLICK…

Tennessee Attorney General concludes church members may act as armed security for churches.

Tennessee Attorney General concludes that church members may serve as volunteer armed security for their church.   License for Church Congregations Using Volunteer Members for Security Purposes Question 1 May a local congregation of a church use members of that congregation to act as a security team for the church without complying with the licensure…

Tennessee Firearms Association concerned that complexity and vagueness of gun laws in Tennessee create a “felony trap” for law abiding citizens in public parks.

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE JULY 31, 2015 Tennessee Firearms Association concerned that complexity and vagueness of gun laws in Tennessee create a “felony trap” for law abiding citizens in public parks. Nashville, TN – The Tennessee Firearms Association today expressed severe concern that Tennessee’s Attorney General issues opinion which could further the confusion over whether individuals…

Have Governor Haslam’s policies exposed Tennesseans to needless risks? Rep. Judd Matheny suggests – yes!

State Representative Judd Matheny has written an editorial in which he exposes that he met specifically with Governor Bill Haslam and his staff in 2012 and “urged them to expedite state efforts to prepare for the possibility of an [terrorist] attack in Tennessee. ” Rep. Matheny explains in the editorial how the danger to Tennesseans…

TFA’s Analysis of Tennessee Governor’s July 22 Press Release Concerning Response to Chattanooga Terrorist Attack

TENNESSEE’S GOVERNOR ISSUES PRESS RELEASE IN RESPONSE TO JULY 16 CHATTANOOGA TERRORIST ATTACK Half-step solution or a mere illusion Tennessee’s governor issued a press release on July 22 finally outlining the governor’s response to the July 16 terrorist attack in Chattanooga. First, the governor ordered the Tennessee National Guard to move its “storefront recruiting locations…

TFALAC 2015 Annual Dinner Event – Tickets on Sale

TFALAC 2015 Annual Dinner – September 19, 2015 The TFALAC’s Annual Dinner, celebrating 2 Decades of hard work and success by TFA members across the state will be held on: Saturday, September 19, 2015 – 10am to 3pm Tickets are $50 per person.  Tables of 8 are $350 per table. CLICK HERE TO ORDER TICKETS…

Bill Haslam to review terrorism while TFA calls for Constitutional Carry and elimination of gun free zones

Tennessee’s Governor, Bill Haslam, calls for “review” of how to respond to terrorist attack.  TFA calls for passage of Constitutional Carry and elimination of gun free zones now. Chattanooga’s terrorist attack on military related facilities was not a strategic military strike. It was not a vendetta against specific individuals. It was an act of premeditated…